- conservatia
- кір. кансервацыя; кансэрвацыяконсервация
Беларуска (лацінка)-рускі слоўнік і слоўнік беларускай кірыліцы.
Беларуска (лацінка)-рускі слоўнік і слоўнік беларускай кірыліцы.
conservancy — noun (plural cies) Etymology: alteration of obsolete conservacy conservation, from Anglo French conservacie, from Medieval Latin conservatia, from Latin conservare Date: 1667 1. British a board regulating fisheries and … New Collegiate Dictionary
conservancy — conservant, adj. /keuhn serr veuhn see/, n., pl. conservancies. 1. conservation of natural resources. 2. an association dedicated to the protection of the environment and its resources. 3. Brit. a commission regulating navigation, fisheries, etc … Universalium
conservancy — n. (pl. ies) 1 Brit. a commission etc. controlling a port, river, etc. (Thames Conservancy). 2 a body concerned with the preservation of natural resources (Nature Conservancy). 3 conservation; official preservation (of forests etc.). Etymology:… … Useful english dictionary
conservacy — noun ( es) Etymology: Anglo French conservacie, from Medieval Latin conservatia, from Latin conservatus + ia y obsolete : conservation 2 … Useful english dictionary
con|serv|an|cy — «kuhn SUR vuhn see», noun, plural cies. 1. conservation, as of rivers, forests, or other natural resources. 2. British. a commission having jurisdiction over the fisheries, navigation, and general use of a port or river. ╂[alteration of obsolete… … Useful english dictionary